
Five Tips for Lumbar Herniated Disc Pain Relief
Aging along with continual wear and tear on our body’s natural shock absorbers (spinal discs between vertebrae) can weaken the lower back. When spinal discs become damaged, intense back pain can occur that may radiate to nerves down the leg and foot. Herniated disc symptoms may appear for no apparent reason or can be caused by over exertion… Full Article
What Is Spinal Cord Stimulation Treatment
Spinal cord stimulation is a minimally invasive treatment for chronic pain relief. It is typically offered as a next step to more conservative pain management therapies and requires an outpatient procedure to insert a small device on to the spine. The effectiveness of spinal cord stimulation treatment is inversely… Full Article

Primary Care vs. Pain Specialist: The Benefits of Pain Management
If you suffer from chronic pain, you’ve probably already had discussions and possibly started treatment with your primary care physician. Many patients have been seeing the same primary care physician for their entire adult lives and feel very comfortable with them, therefore preferring to receive all advice and care from their own doctor. Other patients have cited that they prefer that their primary care… Full Article

4 Ways to Improve Back Pain Now
With the number of people who suffer from severe back pain making up 50-85% of the population, most individuals will probably experience it at some point in their lives. An episode could last anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months, and once you have a bout of severe back pain, you are more vulnerable to repeat incidents. Educating yourself on ways to treat and improve back pain now could help you… Full Article